So... the Sabbath. We know the fourth commandment: Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy (Exodus 20:8, KJV). Of course, if God writes something in His Ten Commandments, we assume that it’s a given - He rested and knows that it’s good for us to rest. Our Lord, our Father, wants us to spend some time with Him, and that’s fair enough, that makes sense. What good father doesn’t want to spend time with his children? But it’s more than just that. A good father also wants his children to listen to him in instruction – but our once clear direction seems to have been lost over the ages. What does it mean the ‘Sabbath?’ Has it been revived? Let’s find out.
As we saw in The Hopeful, the Millerites had just experienced a shocking disappointment. People had given not just hope for Jesus’ return on that date, but their livelihoods, their assets, and their reputations. When He didn’t come back on their assumed date, they were understandably devastated. We also saw a small group, just beginning to find hope again after their deep discouragement. As they searched the Bible for answers they began to understand that Jesus was still coming but that the prophecy they had used to predict His coming was predicting something else entirely.