50 Most-asked Bible Questions

Written by Vinícius A. Miranda and Nyco Flores

1. What Is the Bible?

In a world filled with stories, mysteries, and ancient wisdom, there’s one book that has captivated hearts and minds for centuries. The Bible has motivated the creation of laws and legal systems in many countries and inspired the creation of memorable works of art; it has played a significant role in promoting literacy and education and was a source of inspiration for various social and political movements, including the abolition of slavery, civil rights movements, and movements for social justice and much more!

The Bible comprises the Old and New Testaments and is a diverse collection of texts ranging from poetry and prophecy to history and philosophy. For many, it provides guidance, comfort, and inspiration, serving as a roadmap through life’s challenges and triumphs. Regardless of your beliefs, the Bible is an enduring testament to the power of words, faith, and the loving Creator of the Universe.
So, what is the Bible? It’s a book that summarizes the history of God’s people, and its central message is God’s plan to save human beings. Starting with the creation of humanity, going through its fall, narrating the pilgrimage of God’s people in the past, and foreseeing their salvation in the last moments of Earth’s history, the Bible is a book that carries transformative power. I invite you to read it. Select a small portion, perhaps a chapter, and prove the power of this book for yourself!

2. What Is the Difference Between the Old and New Testaments?

The Old Testament is a historical treasure trove containing the ancient texts handed down through generations. It’s a compilation of 39 books, ranging from Genesis to Malachi. It tells the story of creation, the trials and tribulations of the Israelites, the wisdom of the prophets, and the foundation of the Judaic faith. During all this time, the coming of the Messiah was being announced as the climax of God’s intervention on Earth. Every animal sacrifice made before Christ’s death on the cross was made in remembrance of the Messiah that would come.

Fast forward to the New Testament, which consists of 27 books, including the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, as well as the Epistles and the Book of Revelation. The New Testament introduces us to the life, teachings, and crucifixion of Jesus Christ and the birth of the Christian Church. The goal of the New Testament writers was to show that all the Old Testament prophecies regarding the Messiah were fulfilled in Jesus of Nazareth. Therefore, it is impossible to have a clear view of Jesus only by reading the New Testament. The disciples of Jesus spent their lives telling the world that salvation had arrived through the Messiah who had come.
Whether you’re delving into the ancient narratives of the Old Testament or seeking solace in the teachings of the New, both testaments are deeply interconnected, showing that the same God has inspired all Bible writers.
This God has been in search of his people throughout all history. And He is searching for you every day; are you willing to be found? I encourage you to accept His call and allow the Bible to inspire and transform your life. You can start that today by reading His Word. Why not try it right now?

3. How Many Books Are There in the Bible?

The Bible is a book but also a collection of books. Its very name, which comes from the Greek word biblion meaning “small book”, tells us that. Divided into two main sections, Old Testament and New Testament, the Bible contains 66 of these little books.

Some are really small, like the book of Jude in the New Testament, which has only one chapter and 25 verses. Some others are longer, like Isaiah, which has 66 chapters, and the book of Psalms, the largest, composed of 150 songs.
The Old Testament has 39 books. From the book of Genesis, written by Moses, to Malachi, written by the prophet Malachi, we see a God in search of His people, using His prophets to proclaim the coming of the Messiah.
In the New Testament, you’ll find 27 more books, which include the Gospels, Acts of the Apostles, Epistles, and the Book of Revelation, all of which point to Jesus Christ as the awaited Messiah.
Old and New Testaments, each unique, are yet deeply intertwined in the profound tapestry of God’s search for men through history, and if you will, this book, or should I say these books, can transform your own life. Why don’t you give it a chance? Start today with our course, Understand the Bible Like Never Before, and begin a new life guided by the Word of God.

4. Who Wrote the Bible?

Many may think that God wrote the Bible because it is often referred to as the Word of God, but it was not so. The Bible was written by humans like you and me—by men, most of them simple men, just like us. They had strengths and weaknesses, abilities and needs, problems, faults, and downfalls.

Something that amazes me is that although some of them became heroes for us, the writers had the Holy Spirit as their source of inspiration, and the Spirit did not hide their human struggles and sins. Even our heroes fell, and many of these falls are recorded in the Bible.
Why is that? Because the same individual was behind the inspiration of each one of the Bible writers—the Holy Spirit. So, we can also say that the author of the Bible is the Holy Spirit. And by inspiration, I refer to the fact that the Holy Spirit divinely influenced the human authors of the Scriptures in such a way that what they wrote was the very Word of God.
I like to think that the Bible is God speaking with a human accent. This is great also because the Bible is the only book you can read hundreds of years after it was written in the presence of its author. Have you already noticed that? If you struggle to understand the Bible or to be transformed by its influence, it may be because you are not inviting the author of the Bible to be present and to help you as you read it. His greatest desire is that you read it, comprehend it, and receive power, healing and hope so that you can apply its teachings in your daily life.
Life transformations can be observed in all the authors of the books of the Bible, but also in the lives of everyone who accepts to be guided by the Holy Spirit. The Bible has already transformed thousands of people’s lives, and I’m sure it will transform yours, too. Start reading it, and you’ll begin to see the transformation happening.

5. When Was the Bible Written?

The Bible is a work composed by many different authors. Around 40, actually. All of them lived in different places and times, which makes the Bible a big and beautiful work of many hands.

The earliest texts of the Old Testament, for instance, including the books Genesis and Exodus, were composed around 1400 before Christ. As we transition to the New Testament, we witness a different chapter in history. The Gospels, chronicling the life of Jesus Christ, were written approximately between 40 and 100 AD. The latest book written is also the last in the Bible: the book of Revelation, which was written by the apostle John near the end of his life, close to 100 AD.
All the other books were written between the books of Moses and John’s Revelation, encompassing 1400 years. Isn’t that amazing? A book written throughout more than a millennium by dozens of different authors who never held an agenda meeting is still astonishingly cohesive! God certainly had something wonderful in mind when he decided to use all those different people in distinct eras to write His powerful words of wisdom.
I invite you to dive into the Bible pages and discover the beauty and power of this book. You can begin now in Genesis and stop only when you reach Revelation.

6. Is the Bible Literal or Figurative?

What were our moms doing when they used to say, ‘I have told you a million times to wash the dishes!’? Well, their desire for us to wash the dishes was literal, but the number of times they claimed to have asked was figurative. Similarly, the Bible contains both literal and figurative language.

Although mostly literal, the books of the Bible contain plenty of symbolic expressions. Since the Bible spans various genres, including history, poetry, prophecy, and parables, the question of its literal or symbolic interpretation depends on the specific book or passage one looks at.
For example, the New Testament is filled with parables, such as the Good Samaritan or the Prodigal Son, which are understood as symbolic teachings rather than historical events. The parable of the Good Samaritan helps us better understand the love we are expected to have for our neighbors, and that of the Prodigal Son teaches more about God’s love and forgiveness. In contrast, the Old Testament is mostly composed of historical and, therefore, literal narratives.
Poetry and prophecy are usually the parts of the Bible that use more figurative language. Have you tried reading the prophetic books of Daniel and Revelation? Their wording is primarily symbolic, sometimes making it a real challenge for the reader to interpret them. However, some symbolic texts can also appear in the middle of literal passages. Usually, the text itself will give us clues to its own interpretation.
Whether figurative or literal, all parts of the Bible have the same purpose: to show God’s love and his purpose for us. What was the last thing you learned from the Bible? Are you willing to let it bring real and literal transformation to your life? Study the Word of God, enrich your linguistic comprehension, and above all, let it guide you on your life’s journey.

7. Is the Bible Reliable?

Since this question is about trust, let me start with a brief reflection. Have you ever noticed that we trust many strangers every day? We don’t know if whoever prepared the meal we ordered washed their hands when they made it, and we don’t know if the plane’s pilot slept well and was sober enough to fly it. We just trust them. So, why not trust that God wants to have a relationship with us and has left us a book for that?

The Bible is one of the most reliable ancient documents ever. Did you know that? Pretty impressive, right? The Dead Sea Scrolls are amongst the most important discoveries in all history. These scrolls, found in Israel in 1947, contain copies of all or part of virtually every book in the Old Testament. The scrolls have been dated by several methods all of which indicate they were originally written between 200 BC and 100 AD. This means these copies of the Old Testament books are 1900-2200 years old!
To the surprise of scholars, the Dead Sea Scrolls reveal very little change compared to the modern text of the Bible. They prove that the books of the Bible were copied throughout the ages with extraordinary accuracy!
Another thing that makes the Bible so reliable is its fulfilled prophecies. The Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines prophecy as: “the inspired declaration of divine will and purpose” and “the foretelling of the future”. It has been said that at least 300 prophecies in the Old Testament point to Jesus, the Messiah. During the Old Testament times, Micah, the prophet, under the inspiration of God, predicted where the Messiah, God’s Chosen One, would be born. You can read in Micah 5:2 that “Bethlehem Ephrathah” would be the place, and we see that it came true in Matthew 2:1.
This is just one of the hundreds of fulfilled prophecies found in the Bible—a book inspired by the God Almighty, written by people conducted by the Holy Spirit, with events testified by ocular witnesses, proven to be among the most reliable ancient documents ever, and clearly the most transformational literature that ever was.
Read the Bible and discover for yourself that it is reliable, as our God is! As Jeremiah 17:7 says: “...blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in him” (NIV).

Is the Bible the Word of God?

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8. Why Does God Allow Bad Things to Happen?

It is possible to try to deprive a child of all kinds of effort, difficulty, and suffering. Many parents would love to be able to do that, but most experts recognize that this is a big mistake. In our world, difficult and trying experiences are often the most uplifting. To prepare ourselves for real life, we must go through difficulties, as they will always appear. When we fail, we can learn from our mistakes and come back stronger. For example, a student who fails a test may be motivated to study harder for the next one and eventually improve their grade.

Another important aspect is that bad things happen because God is love. How come? God is love, and love requires freedom, which opens the possibility of rejection. There are children of God who reject Him and choose to do evil. So, we can realize that even the existence of evil is proof of God’s love! A loving Creator accepted the possibility of being rejected just to guarantee the freedom of his creatures.
Dear friend, God loves His children and wants to offer them only good. At the same time, He did not create robots forced to obey Him and unable to choose whom to follow. Unfortunately, His creatures on Earth chose the path of evil, and we all live within this reality throughout our lives.
The good news is that Jesus has already destroyed the chains that bound us! His perfect life, sacrificial death, supernatural resurrection, and present-day intercession guarantee that one day, He will fulfill His promise of giving us eternal life. Who knows, maybe God has allowed you and me to go through bad things on Earth as a reminder that this world is not our home.

Why Is There Suffering and Pain in Life?

Why does evil exist if God created a perfect world? Discover the truth behind the origins of pain, betrayal, death, disease, and fear in this exciting course.

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9. What Is the Meaning of Life?

For many, the great purpose of life is to conquer—to conquer more money, a good social position, academic titles, fame, power, goods, entertainment, and so many other things. But when we achieve all this, does our life gain a true purpose?

History has shown that people who find meaning in life and, consequently, happiness are those who have turned their lives to something or someone outside of themselves. Dedicating oneself to a task or to loving someone is the path to a life full of meaning. By finding a purpose beyond one’s own needs and desires, human beings find the strength to live and also learn to endure the inevitable suffering.
As Nietzsche said: “he who has a why to live for can bear almost any how.” Even when life is not so easy or pleasant, even if we face suffering and do not understand the reason for suffering or dying, we should not give in to discouragement.
Human beings find meaning when they forget themselves and live for others. Isn’t that what we learn from Jesus? Was He not the greatest example of self-denial and unselfishness? Learn from Jesus to live a life of love and total dedication to others, and I guarantee you that when you do good to others, you will feel something inexplicable within yourself, and thus, you will realize that your life can have a new meaning.

10. What Happens After We Die?

It is difficult to answer this question because no one has come back from the dead to tell us how it was =). Jokes aside, there are many attempts to answer this question.

Islam teaches that individuals will be judged based on their deeds after death. Those who lived righteous lives will go to paradise, while those who did not may face punishment in hell. In Hinduism, the soul is believed to undergo a cycle of death and rebirth until it reaches a state of liberation (moksha). Buddhism also involves a cycle of rebirth known as samsara. Achieving enlightenment (nirvana) is the goal, and it frees individuals from this cycle.
Even within Christianity there are different views on this topic. Generally, it is believed that individuals will face judgment, and depending on their faith and actions, they will either go to heaven or hell.
What the Bible makes abundantly clear is that death is a sleep. It is a state of inertia in which consciousness ceases to exist. The bodies of the dead await the final judgment, which will take place at the time of Jesus’ return.
One of the great promises of the Bible is that of the resurrection, and all people who have died will be resurrected one day to receive the consequences of their life choices. God will respect the decision of those who have not accepted the salvation offered by Jesus and have chosen a life in opposition to Him, and they will not be forced to live with God forever. Their fate will be death again, but now an eternal death (which means they will stop existing).
On the other hand, those who have accepted the salvation offered by Jesus and experienced His transforming power in their lives will be resurrected to finally live forever with God in a perfect environment, as was the divine plan from the beginning.
To sum up, death doesn’t have to be your ultimate fate. Even greater than God’s offer of abundant life on Earth is the promise of everlasting life on a New Earth. Choose life today, choose Jesus today, and enjoy the hope of one day conquering death through the power of the One who has already conquered it.

Where Are the Dead?

What happens when we die? Join us today, to discover what the Bible has to say. It's not what you think.

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11. What Is Sin?

Have you ever pondered the nature of sin? Imagine using a bow and arrow to aim at a distant target. What if you missed it? According to the Bible, this is one way to understand sin—as “missing the target.” But is there more to it than that?

There are also other explanations for sin. For example, one could commit the sin of “intentional rebellion,” where they consciously and deliberately rebel against God and his will.
So, what exactly is sin? It’s not just about committing wrong acts. Sin is any deviation from God’s sovereign will, whether neglecting to carry out His commands or doing what He has specifically forbidden. It’s a natural condition, a part of our very nature. We’re all born in sin with a nature that’s in opposition to God. As the Bible says, “For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23, NIV).
The good news is that sin will one day cease to exist. God promises us eternal life without sin or evil. It is even difficult to imagine such a thing since our existence is marked by the influence of evil and the consequences of sin. But this beautiful promise of God gives us hope that one day, we will be freed from our corrupt nature and from acts that may harm God’s creation.
Surrender your ways to the Lord today. Study the Bible, and choose now to submit to Him and his will, and you will experience a power that desires to begin to set you free from sin and its influence today!

12. How Can I Be Saved?

This is the most beautiful question anyone can ask. And the way it was done already gives a clue as to the answer. To BE saved—and not to get salvation—all you have to do is accept Jesus as your Savior. One might think, “But that’s too simple!” That’s it. That’s grace. It’s an undeserved favor. It is God’s saving love for sinners. The Bible reveals not only God’s displeasure with sin and evil but also His patience and love for sinners and the grace granted for their salvation.

Salvation, therefore, is not the result of God’s Law or its fulfillment; it is not due to your knowledge or your nationality but of the favor of God, freely distributed to everyone who believes by faith.
Grace is the hand of God reaching for the earth. Faith is man’s hand reaching out to grasp God’s hand. Don’t try to save yourself by your efforts. Salvation is offered to us freely by the only one who can offer it. Your role is to believe in His power and His promises. Do you believe that? So, salvation came into your house today!

13. What Is the Trinity?

One of the difficulties many people have with Christianity is the concept of the Trinity. This word is not found in the Bible, but by Trinity, we mean that God, being only one, is composed of three persons. The problem that some monotheists face with this is that it strikes them as polytheism, as if the biblical God we believe in is actually three gods. But that’s not correct.

Understanding the Trinity can be challenging, but let’s try a simple analogy. Think of an egg. How many parts is it made up of? Three: shell, white, and yolk. Despite these THREE parts, it is still ONE egg, right? This is a very simplistic way to understand divinity, which is composed of three persons, functionally called Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, who form only one God.
“But it’s hard to understand that.” Yes, it is. There is no way to fully understand God. If it was possible, we would be at or above his level, and this is not the case. Our finite mind cannot fully comprehend the infinite. We have to settle for that.
Did you know that God’s greatest desire is to relate to you? Did you know that a relationship with the Creator God is what you need most? Accept His love, study His Word, and pray in faith, and I am sure you will feel His divine influence daily in your life.

14. Who Is Jesus Christ?

Hmm, that’ll depend on who you’re asking. Some consider Him a great moral teacher. To those who read His words and do not know Him, He may seem like a counselor, a leader, or a miracle worker. To some religions, He is a prophet.

His name is known almost everywhere, and history has been divided between before and after Him. Jesus is the most well-known character on earth, the central figure of the world’s best-selling book, and the subject of thousands more. He became the most influential, famous, adored, talked about, hated, and misunderstood man who ever walked the face of the earth. But having attained such fame and influence, was He just a man? Or something more?
As much as His words reveal incomparable wisdom, and His teachings have influenced so many, He was much more than a good example to be followed or imitated. For Christians, more than a model to be emulated, He was the substitute we needed. Jesus Christ accomplished something that no human being could accomplish. His sinless life, His substitutionary death, and His miraculous resurrection are the guarantee of our salvation. For all that we needed for our salvation, and that was impossible to accomplish on our own, He accomplished it, and now we are accepted into the presence of God, in the name of Jesus!
Jesus came not only to be an example and inspiration but to serve as a substitute. Humanity, once at a dead-end, can trust that its salvation has been provided. Who would you say Jesus is for you? A prophet, a moral teacher, just a leader, or something more? Do you accept Him as your Substitute and Savior?

15. Who Is the Holy Spirit?

There is much speculation regarding the nature of the Holy Spirit, and I need to be honest with you—it’s impossible to understand everything about the Holy Spirit. But, the Bible reveals enough for us to believe He is not a force or energy but a Person. He is depicted performing the actions of a person: He searches, He knows, He intercedes, He helps, He guides, He condemns. He can be saddened, found, or resisted.

The New Testament clearly presents the Spirit of God as a divine person, distinct from the Father and the Son. This novelty did not change what was already known about His redemptive activity, but only our understanding of His personality. His work is similar in the Old and New Testaments, but in the New He becomes a representative of Jesus Christ. The Holy Spirit is the one who convicts about what is right and wrong.
Conviction is not always comfortable. It is important that we respond to our convictions and do what we know is right; if we reject them, we reject the Holy Spirit. If we respond and allow the Holy Spirit to do His work in our lives, He will transform us!
Once we sincerely ask for the Holy Spirit and allow Him to work in our lives, we will see evidence that He is in us. The Bible lists nine characteristics (or results) of the Spirit that you can expect to see in your life when you follow God. “The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law” (Galatians 5:22,23, ESV).
Do you want to see these fruits growing and developing in your life? Pray to God, spend time in nature, read the Bible, ask for the Holy Spirit in your life daily, and start living a life of love and service to others.

16. What Is the Purpose of the Church?

Picture a towering lighthouse standing resilient amidst crashing waves, its beacon casting a guiding light across the tumultuous sea. That’s what the church embodies—a beacon of hope and guidance in a world often enveloped in darkness and uncertainty. Like a lighthouse, the church is tasked not only with illuminating the path for its members but also for all seekers of direction. It offers solace, support, and a profound sense of belonging—a community that shares values and extends a helping hand.

Yet, the church’s role surpasses mere comfort and camaraderie. It serves as a hub for transformation, a space where individuals can deepen their understanding of God’s love and grace, fostering spiritual growth through the guidance of the Divine Spirit.
Similarly to how a lighthouse steers ships safely to shore, the church guides individuals toward a profound connection with God, leading them to lives defined by love, compassion, and purpose. It’s a space where people find meaning, embrace their faith, and actively contribute to the world by sharing the transformative impact God has had on their lives.
The church transcends being a mere building or institution; it’s a living, breathing entity—an agent of good in a world yearning for it. It’s a place where individuals unravel their true purpose, embrace their faith, and profoundly impact others’ lives, especially by heralding the salvation offered by Jesus Christ.
If you seek a community of love, support, and spiritual growth, the church welcomes you with open arms. Search for a nearby Seventh-day Adventist Church and become part of this thriving community of God’s children, living purposeful lives filled with compassion and love as they await Jesus’s return.

17. What Is Prayer?

Fun. Exercise. Learning. Need. All this comes to my mind when I think of prayer. It is fun because I am talking to a Friend. It’s an exercise because my Master’s challenges me with His teachings. Learning is unavoidable because staying in touch with my Master makes me learn more about Him and who I should become. We need prayer because it’s a technology God has developed so that his fallen creatures can stay in contact with Him.

As someone has brilliantly said, prayer is the breathing of our soul. Prayer keeps us alive because it keeps us connected to the Source of life.
Have you ever thought that whenever you take time to pray, God takes time to listen? You have this opportunity now, so why don’t you take a break right now and talk to Him? I am sure you will have fun, exercise your faith, and learn something new, and that through it, God will meet some of your needs. After that, take some more time to check out The Unlimited Power of Prayer’ course on our homepage. I am sure you will enjoy it and develop a better connection with the Lord.

18. What Is the Importance of Faith?

People generally refer to faith as a strong belief, trust, or confidence in something, often without the need for proof or empirical evidence. However, it is possible to find empirical evidence and rational arguments to support our faith.

Faith is the emotional and intellectual confidence in God and His ways. Yet, it is a confidence that leads us to action in harmony with God’s sovereign will. This faith is not based on blind, silly consent but on supreme trust in God’s ability and integrity. This type of faith is a prerequisite to approaching God, which is why “without faith it is impossible to please God” (Hebrews 11:6, NIV).
It is through faith that we are justified, and the righteousness of Christ becomes ours. Faith in God enables the Lord to do miraculous things for and through us. True faith is not passive but manifests in works consistent with what one claims to believe.
If you struggle to have faith, please know you are not alone. Many people find it difficult to believe in something they cannot see or touch. But I encourage you to keep seeking God and asking Him to strengthen you. He is always there to hear our prayers and to help us grow our faith.
Finally, remember, faith is not about having all the answers. It is about trusting in God, even when we don’t have all the answers; about believing that He is good and that He has a plan for our lives.

19. What Is the Difference Between Christianity and Other Religions?

We are usually taught to focus on the similarities. People tell us that in order to avoid conflict, one should not dwell on differences. However, the presence of differences does not always imply the need for conflict. There are plenty of differences between Christianity and other religions, yet this should not be a reason for the arousal of conflicts between believers of different faiths.

I will share with you some points of view Christians hold that differ from other religions. Christianity is a monotheistic religion, meaning it believes in one God. Christians believe that the Bible is the inspired Word of God. Christianity is centered on the life and teachings of Jesus Christ, who is believed to be the Son of God and to have come to earth to save humanity from sin.
This leads us to the greatest and most important difference, which must be what the Bible teaches regarding salvation. Christians believe that salvation can only be achieved through faith in Jesus Christ. In contrast, some other religions, such as Buddhism, teach that salvation can be achieved through personal effort and enlightenment.
From a Christian point of view, it is easy for us to be saved, yet God’s role is the harder one because He is not only a God who offers salvation freely to everyone, but He also has paid Himself the price for the salvation of His creatures. This is amazing! A God like that is not found anywhere else.
The God of the Bible is good, loving, and compassionate. He has been present and attentively following the history of humankind. He also wants to be present in your life, influence your decisions and lifestyle, and save you from sin and evil. Are you willing to accept His presence, influence, and salvation?

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20. What Is the Best Way to Study the Bible?

The best way to study the Bible is to study it in the presence of its Author. Have you already noticed that this is the only book that makes it possible for you to invite its Author to help you understand it at any time? If you struggle to understand the Bible or to be transformed by its influence, it may be because you are not inviting the Author of the Bible to be present and to help you as you read it. His greatest desire is that you study His book, comprehend it, and receive the power and wisdom to apply it in your daily life.

When it comes to the Bible, studying it is more than simply reading it. When we just read a text, we can not always perceive it in all its beauty and richness. When we study something, however, we go deeper, reread it, and try to remember its concepts; we dwell on a subject so that its content may impact our souls.
Life transformations can be observed in the lives of all who have accepted the challenge to not only study the Bible, but to allow its teachings to be incorporated in their beings.
As you invite the Author of the Bible to be with you, you also have to be willing to be transformed by Him and the teachings that are contained in His book. The Bible has already transformed thousands of people’s lives, and I’m sure it will transform yours, too. Why don’t you start a deeper study of it right now? I guarantee that by studying the Bible, rather than just reading it, you will experience wonderful transformations in your life.

21. What Is the Best Bible Translation?

It depends on the need of the moment. You know that weekend when you’re tired and can’t assimilate to a dense and enigmatic movie, and you’re just in the mood to unwind, laughing with a lighter and more comedic TV show? Thus, the choice of Bible translation can be approached.

Sometimes, as you read the Bible, you will come across a prophecy or a controversial text that requires greater fidelity to the original text. However, a more dynamic translation will serve well for those moments of relaxed devotion or of reading simpler texts.
Among the most popular versions, the New King James Version (NKJV) and the English Standard Version (ESV) are good examples of fidelity to the original, retaining idiomatic expressions of the original languages, which might sound odd to the modern reader. The New International Version (NIV), New English Translation (NET), and the New American Bible (NAB) also claim to be faithful to the originals but aim to provide a translation more adapted to modern English, which will make it easier for most readers to understand.
There are also much more dynamic versions, such as the paraphrase The Message: The Bible in Contemporary Language, that can be used in your daily devotions or when you just want to see a verse or a passage with new eyes. Yet, be aware that you are reading a rendering of what the author of this version would like it to say about what he read in the Bible.
Whichever version you choose, know that the best decision you have ever made is to study God’s Word. Always do so in a spirit of prayer and humility, seeking to understand and apply God’s will to your life. How about taking some time to read the Bible now?

22. Am I Saved by Law or Grace?

We live in a world surrounded by meritocracy (or getting benefits because of what we achieve), a worldview that teaches us that what we do will guarantee us something. If you do good to others, you deserve to get something in return; if you study during class, you deserve a good grade; if you work, you deserve a salary; if you’re good, you deserve that spot. In other words, everything we achieve is due to our own merits.

Living in a society that considers itself meritocratic, I understand why we have such a hard time accepting salvation for free. We are not used to doing something without receiving something in return, nor receiving something, especially when it is so good, and doing nothing in return. But it is impossible for the law of God to save us, just as a mirror can’t clean us. What do I mean? A mirror plays a part in us cleaning our faces: it shows the very need for cleaning. The same with the law. Its only part is to show us the need for salvation, but it can do nothing in the ‘saving’ part.
Jesus, through his grace, in a merciful act, is the only one who has the power to cleanse us from our spiritual condition. This is how He guarantees us salvation. The truth is that we don’t deserve salvation, but God grants it to each of us through the only one who could claim the right to be saved: Jesus! He was the only one who never sinned. By dying for us, the only one who deserved to be saved granted His right as One deserving eternal life to each one of us.
As we accept what He has done for us and understand that He is our Savior, what was rightfully His passes on to us—for free. Grace does not depend on what we do, and this is almost unbelievable. We didn’t deserve it, but He paid the price.
So simply accept the merits of Jesus Christ, who died in your place to grant you salvation by grace! What do we have to do to inherit eternal life? As heirs, we don’t need to do anything to be saved, but after we receive an inheritance, we feel we have a duty to repay it because we are happy with this blessing!
Good works of the law do not bring us salvation, but they can bring salvation to our neighbors! Works are not to save you but to lead our neighbors to salvation. So, shine your light! Demonstrate your salvation from now on!

23. What Are Some Common Contradictions in the Bible?

Most of the contradictions are found in the Gospels, but I can assure you of one thing: these contradictions do not in any way interfere with the central message of the Bible: salvation in Christ Jesus. The apparent contradictions are more in the peripheral details of its stories.

Each of the gospels can be considered a primary source of information about the life, teachings, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, as they were written by eyewitnesses to many events involving the person of Jesus.
Some gospel accounts contain inconsistencies. However, while it is possible for witnesses to disagree, they could still be telling the truth. Often, witnesses only partially grasp a fact since their brains select only part of the information they process.
Investigators and police interrogators say it is impossible to have identical testimonies. Matching testimonies reveal that the witnesses were told to say the same thing. Different accounts may provide complementary perspectives on an event, not necessarily contradictions. This is true regarding differences in the accounts of the resurrection appearances of Jesus, the number of angels present or the order of actions in some events, and some other apparent discrepancies usually found in the synoptic gospels.
Despite these differing perspectives, all the gospels share one central message: the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus. Each of them offers us a window into better understanding who Jesus was and what He came to accomplish in our world. In other words, the differences between the Gospels enrich their accounts and broaden our picture of Jesus and His impact at the time of the gospel writers.
The aparent contradictions in the Bible are also evidence of the its depth and complexity. The Bible is a divine revelation, and there may be aspects of God’s nature and plan that are beyond human comprehension. It is a book inspired by the God Almighty, written by people, conducted by the Holy Spirit, with events testified by ocular witnesses, proven to be among the most reliable ancient documents ever, and clearly the most transformational literature that ever was. Why don’t you give this book a chance and start a journey through its pages today? I am sure you are going to love it.

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24. What Is Justification by Faith?

Imagine you have a massive debt, so huge that no matter how hard you work, you can never pay it off. It’s like a mountain of bills towering over you. Then, someone incredibly generous—a wealthy benefactor—steps in and says, “I’ll take care of your debt entirely.” You didn’t deserve his help and didn’t work for it; it’s purely out of their kindness. Now, legally, your debt is cleared, and you’re free from that burden.

Justification is a legal term that refers to a legal act or a divine sentence in which God declares every sinner who believes in Jesus as forgiven. However, in justification, God not only forgives sins but also imputes Christ’s righteousness in their favor. That’s why the word justified means “pronounced or treated as righteous”.
Justification isn’t an innovation of the New Testament. Salvation has always been offered in the same way to every human being. In the book of Genesis, we read how the father of faith was justified: “Abram believed the Lord, and he credited it to him as righteousness” (Genesis 15:6, NIV).
You see, we’re born sinners, which means we’re condemned to eternal death. Justification is the opposite of condemnation. If before we deserved death because we were unjust and guilty, Jesus, by dying for us, became our Substitute. His sacrifice fully satisfies the demands of God’s justice, and by simply believing that He died for us, we are now considered righteous. “Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ” (Romans 5:1, NIV).
Have you accepted salvation in Christ? Have you understood, and do you desire to accept that Christ’s righteousness be imputed in your favor, replacing your injustice? Believe today in the Lord, and in this way, you will be considered righteous.

25. What Does the Bible Say About Racism?

Throughout history, people have suffered all kinds of evils: prejudice, segregation, persecution, torture, and death. Tragically, some people have misused and misapplied the Bible in an attempt to justify these evils.

In the very first chapter of the Scriptures, we read that God created the human race in His own image. If we understand that we are God’s creatures and are all children of the same Father, that should already help us with this topic, right?
There is no biblical basis to support racism. The Bible does not support that one race is excluded, that one social group is better than others, or that we can despise anyone. The Bible would never justify oppressing other human beings in any way.
The kingdom of God is not a kingdom of separation, segregation, or division. It’s a kingdom where we are all equals in the presence of the King. The distinctions of race, ethnicity, caste, and tribe are wrongfully used to segment and divide the fundamental unity that God desired human beings to experience with Him and one another.
We are all descendants of Adam and Eve. We are one family. We are all one in Christ. With this in mind, we cannot exclude anyone, and when we do, we commit a sin! The apostle Peter has said that “God shows no favoritism. In every nation he accepts those who fear him and do what is right” (Acts 10:34,35, NLT).
If God equally accepts people of every race, culture, and nation, why wouldn’t we? If God accepts you, why wouldn’t you accept that He loves and accepts everyone? God created every single person. Instead of rejecting, we should celebrate our differences!

26. What Is the Role of Science in Relation to the Bible?

In short, the role of science can be defined as to explore, understand, and explain the natural world, drive progress, and inform decision-making. Unrealistic expectations about the role of science can lead to misunderstandings and misconceptions about what it can and cannot accomplish.

There is no scientific evidence or finding that has ever proven the Bible wrong. For instance, archaeological discoveries have frequently provided insights into historical events and geographical places mentioned in the Bible. While science has no obligation to the Bible, when it comes to the areas where they overlap, science can be very helpful. All the sciences that relate to the Bible eventually prove that science and religion are compatible.
Throughout history, many scientists have believed in the Bible and integrated their religious beliefs with their scientific work. You have certainly heard most of the following names: Johannes Kepler, Blaise Pascal, Robert Boyle, Isaac Newton, Gregor Mendel, and Louis Pasteur. Isn’t it amazing that the greatest scientists of all time believed in God and in the Bible?
Having notable scientists who were also believers in the Bible says a lot about its importance and trustworthiness. Scientific methods and beliefs often change, but the Word of God remains the same. The Bible has influenced the world’s greatest character and is powerful enough to change you if you want that. Why don’t you allow the God of the Scriptures to be the greatest influence over your life? This book can transform you, yet for that to happen you will have to experience it empirically.

27. What Is the Role of Social Justice in Christianity?

In a world often consumed by shadows of injustice and inequality, Christianity emerges as a radiant light, illuminating the path towards social justice. Just as a soaring eagle surveys the vast expanse below, our faith encourages us to soar above the prevailing winds of injustice, embracing a world where every individual’s worth is recognized and upheld.

The pursuit of social justice is not merely a moral obligation; it’s an inherent reflection of our love for God and for our fellow human beings. As disciples of Jesus Christ, we are called to emulate his unwavering compassion, championing the causes of the marginalized and challenging the injustices that plague society. He taught us to love our neighbors as ourselves, extending empathy and understanding to all, transcending the barriers of social status or background.
The Bible is replete with instances of God’s concern for the oppressed and the forgotten. From the Israelites’ exodus from slavery to Jesus’ interaction with the Samaritan woman at the well, the Scriptures narrate a consistent thread of divine compassion for those most in need.
The church, as a vibrant community of faith, plays a pivotal role in fostering social justice. It’s not just a place of worship; it’s a hub of action where individuals are empowered to positively impact the world around them. Through education and community engagement, the church can mobilize its members to become catalysts for change.
Let us embrace our faith as a guiding light, leading us toward a world where social justice prevails. Together, we can illuminate the path toward a more equitable and compassionate society, embodying the love of God in every action we take. Join us in this noble endeavor, and let us transform the world into a reflection of God’s divine grace.

28. What Does the Bible Say About Politics?

The Bible doesn’t oppose politics initially, and in none of its verses does it suggest that a Christian shouldn’t engage in political matters as if they were inappropriate. In fact, the apostle Paul urges us to pray for leaders and also states that governmental authority is “God’s servant for your good” (Romans 13:4, NIV).

It’s true that partisan politics isn’t part of the church’s mission. Our primary mission is to preach the gospel, which transforms people. These transformed individuals, in turn, become a blessing to society in whatever sphere of life they engage in.
Throughout history, conscientious children of God have had a positive influence on politics. Joseph, Daniel, and Esther are good examples. Christian influence has also been present in extraordinary societal transformations in modern times, such as the abolition of slavery, the emphasis on universal literacy, free access to education, laws protecting children, laws safeguarding industrial workers, and laws protecting women from abuse.
During elections, Christians should support candidates who best represent political and moral values consistent with biblical teachings, regardless of their religious backgrounds or convictions. Unfortunately, not every politician claiming to be Christian truly embodies those values.
It is a good idea to be an informed and engaged citizen, seeking to elect leaders who will uphold justice and righteousness. We should also be willing to speak out against injustice and corruption, even when it means standing up against popular opinion. Jesus, our Teacher, used to have many unpopular opinions, right?
Finally, we believe we should seek to transform society not through political means alone but through the power of the gospel and our life example. If this is also your desire, study the Bible with us. Visit our course library, choose among dozens of interactive Bible courses, and start obtaining answers to life’s deepest questions today.

29. What Is the Future of Christianity?

Looking at the statistics, it might seem that Christianity is losing followers. But it’s crucial to understand that, despite the numbers, Christianity remains the largest religion in the world. This is not a trivial matter but rather a testament to the endurance and ongoing influence of Christianity throughout the centuries.

Now, let’s view this from a different perspective. At the heart of Christianity, there is a promise—the promise of a New Earth and a New Heaven. For believers, the future is not just a continuation of the present, but the fulfillment of a divine promise.
What does this mean for the future of Christianity? In terms of faith, it’s not just the survival of a religion that’s at stake but the realization of a hope that transcends time and space.
Therefore, when we question the future of Christianity, we are indirectly asking about the future of our hope, its meaning, and, ultimately, the promise of an existence beyond what we know. And it is in this promise, regardless of statistical fluctuations, that the future of Christianity finds its true meaning.

30. Did Noah Really Build an Ark and Save Two of Every Animal From the Flood?

No, this is not true because Genesis 7:2 says: “Take with you seven pairs of every kind of clean animal, a male and its mate, and one pair of every kind of unclean animal, a male and its mate” (NIV). So, Noah actually took seven pairs of some animals, referred to as clean, and two pairs of others—the unclean ones.

Where can we find the distinction between clean and unclean animals? It is in the book of Leviticus, specifically in Chapter 11. I invite you to read this chapter if you want to learn more about this subject.
But why did God ask Noah that? First, because only clean animals were accepted in the altars for worship, and worshiping God was the first thing Noah did when he left the ark.
Second, only clean animals were permitted as food, and this was the first and only time in history when human beings actually needed meat. Before that, it was still possible to observe the diet provided for Adam and Eve in the beginning. After about a year of a flood, you can imagine that all vegetation was destroyed. So, for some time, Noah and his family had to consume meat until they could grow crops again.
Healthy living is an important subject in the Bible. God created us, and as our Creator, He knows what is best for us in every aspect of our being. Therefore, I invite you to learn more about how to keep your body and mind healthy as they were designed to be, and I guarantee you that you will reach greater strength, energy, clarity of thought, and spiritual discernment.

31. Did Jesus Really Walk on Water and Raise the Dead?

Look, I wasn’t there to check it, but I’m pretty sure the witnesses who recorded these events would have plenty of reasons not to lie regarding this matter (and I’ll tell you why in a minute). There is practically no more debate on whether Jesus was a real person and a reliable historical figure. All historians agree on that. Something that many won’t agree on, however, is whether Jesus was all that his followers said He was—the Son of God, who held supernatural powers and was able to perform miracles.

But another thing that scholars have perceived is that the Bible is one of the most reliable ancient literary documents, with very few variations in its text over the centuries. Therefore, when it comes to supernatural events, there would be no reason for the authors to maintain their testimony about the miracles of Jesus, especially about His resurrection, because it was precisely these accounts that led them to be persecuted and even killed.
If they accepted persecution, torture, and death while maintaining their testimony, I am convinced that what they said was indeed true; they accepted to face all that they went through because they had really witnessed the events they wrote about and believed that their Master was the Son of God.
Jesus was not just a great man with good teachings. He is the Son of God, who walked on water, raised the dead, and was also resurrected from the dead by His Father. He is alive and wants to relate to you. Regardless of how one answers this question, whether you would believe or not believe that He did all this is up to you.

32. What Is the Meaning of the Parable of the Good Samaritan?

Once, a legal expert stood up to test Jesus. He asked, “Teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life?” The ensuing conversation sees Jesus challenging the man’s understanding of the law and his neighbors. The man sought to define the limits of his love, almost saying: “Define a boundary for me, so I can love everyone within it. Tell me who, among these less fortunate, I must serve to inherit eternal life.” He thought he was one step away from the kingdom of heaven, believing his love for God depended on his actions for God. Then Jesus told him a story found in Luke 10:30-35.

Consider the two men in the parable. The man on the road is depicted as broken, miserable, poor, wounded, naked, ashamed, and half-dead. The Good Samaritan is described with compassion; he offers aid, bandages wounds, uses oil and wine, pays a price, and promises to return and repay. In portraying the Good Samaritan, Jesus depicts Himself, and in describing the injured man, He represents the legal expert and, by extension, all of us.
Often, we interpret the parable of the Good Samaritan as a simple lesson to be kind to strangers. However, Jesus aimed to convey more than this to the legal expert. Jesus illustrated that this man’s perception of being close to the kingdom and his understanding of its principles were based on his deeds and, therefore, were flawed. The legal expert didn’t realize his true condition and that he was wretched, miserable, poor, blind, naked, and beaten down by the world.
Jesus sought to clarify to the man that he needed more than just answers. It is as if He tried to tell that man, “You need a Savior, not just boundaries. You need to be rescued.”
Similarly, we often reduce religion to a set of do’s and don’ts, failing to recognize that what we truly need is the Savior. What role do you want Jesus to play in your life today? Do you need Him merely as a teacher or as your Good Samaritan?

33. What Is the Meaning of the Book of Revelation?

The title of the book of Revelation is strikingly apt. Often avoided, misunderstood, and sometimes feared, the last book in the Bible is fittingly named Revelation, thus aligning with the original meaning of the word apocalypse. The title also encapsulates the book’s purpose. The author states he presents the ‘apocalypsis of Jesus Christ.’ This raises an intriguing question: Does the revelation belong to Jesus because it originates from Him or because it is about Him?

In truth, it’s both. The book is a revelation of Jesus’ character, as He is the central figure. It is also delivered by Jesus and conveyed to the Apostle John through an angel.
By its very name, the book of Revelation signals its intent to unveil what was previously obscured to human comprehension. Packed with symbolic language, Jesus imparts profound lessons for our everyday lives and guides us in preparing for the final chapters of Earth’s history.
Far from a book to fear, it demands careful study. Those familiar with its contents have fewer reasons to fear the future. Within its pages, Jesus pulls back the curtain on what’s to come, offering insight into the final events on Earth.

34. How Can I Overcome Temptation?

We can’t prevent the birds from flying over our heads, but we can stop them from building a nest on it. To be tempted is inevitable, but allowing the thoughts that temptation brings to stay in our minds and develop is optional.

Everyone faces temptation, and it is a natural part of our human experience. We are all susceptible to struggles and trials, but we are not alone in this fight. God is always with us, offering strength and guidance.
Some struggles are common for many people, but overcoming temptation is a personal challenge. Maybe you are not tempted in the same way I am, and there will be temptations that are easy for you to overcome but not easy for me. What is essential is to identify our triggers.
Try to figure out what situations, environments, or emotions make you vulnerable to temptation, and start avoiding them. Replace unhealthy behaviors with positive ones, such as exercise, prayer, or spending time with loved ones. There will be setbacks along the way, but with God’s grace and continuous effort, we can achieve victory and grow spiritually in the process.
Overcoming temptation is not always easy, but it is always worth it. Remember, no temptation is so great that you cannot overcome it. When we resist temptation, we choose to follow God’s will and live a life that is pleasing to Him. This will bring us great joy and fulfillment in this life and for eternity.
Our God offers you His strength. Give your weaknesses and sins to God today. He forgives and accepts and wants to transform you, keeping you away from temptations and sinful life. Would you accept the new life He’s offering you today?

35. How Can I Forgive Someone Who Has Hurt Me?

You actually can’t. It is unnatural. Even irrational sometimes. Yet, with God, it is possible.

When it comes to forgiveness, it is important to know that forgiving is not forgetting or amnesia. Although you don’t forget the wrongdoings committed against you or the people you love, when you forgive, you are able to remember these things without being hurt by them again. You cannot erase the past but look to the future as a blank page.
If you ask for God’s help, you can forgive even the unforgivable. He will enable you to throw the offenses committed against you into the sea depths. I refer to what the prophet Micah said—that God would ‘cast all our sins into the depths of the sea’ (Micah 7:19, NKJV). This imagery is very enlightening. Why?
First, because if God does this with the sins I commit against Him, why should I not do the same with the sins others commit against me? This verse assures us that it is possible to forgive others.
Second, if sins are ‘thrown into the depths of the sea,’ this means they are not forgotten but placed in an inaccessible location. Forgiving is not about forgetting but about losing access to the pain that sin once caused.
Today, ask God to enable you to forgive. Only by His grace can we achieve this; it is only through forgiveness that we can say we truly love our neighbor, and only through forgiveness can we experience true peace of Spirit.
To learn more, chech out our free course Forgive to Live.

36. How Can I Find Peace in My Life?

A painting competition was held, themed around peace. Some depicted a dove, a known symbol of peace. Others chose a horizon, while a few portrayed a family in conversation. But do you know which painting won the contest? The one depicting a tree with a bird’s nest is set against a powerful waterfall backdrop.

Doesn’t this image challenge the conventional understanding of peace? It certainly does. In the Bible, Jesus is referred to as the Prince of Peace, yet He also said that He didn’t come to bring peace to the Earth but a sword. How do we interpret this?
Jesus aims to confront our conventional understanding of peace. It’s as though He says: “Here on Earth, you conceive peace in one way, but I’ve come to challenge that notion! When you see me, your understanding of peace won’t align with your conventional views because of your preconceived notions.”
Where do we find the most significant conflict or battle? It is within ourselves. It resides in our inclination to prioritize ourselves and our desires. The core issue lies in placing ourselves at the epicenter of our lives.
Jesus desires us to place Him at the core of our existence. This way, life will no longer be about my desires or my perception of peace. No! It’ll be about His ways!
While most people live based on what they see and rely on external factors, Christians operate on faith and rely on what is eternal. Therefore, peace signifies the presence of the Eternal within your life. Even amidst hardships, illness, unemployment, or the loss of a beloved, it’s possible to experience the peace Jesus offers and find shelter under His protective wings.
Would you believe that material pursuits cannot offer what only God can provide? Embrace today the offer of genuine peace. Confront the battle against your self-centeredness and relish the presence of the Lord in your daily life.

37. How to Deal With Anxiety?

I was “anxious” to answer this question! =) We seem to live in the age of anxiety, as it affects all people, regardless of social status, age, or creed. Anxiety is like a choking of the soul, a strangler of emotions.

In dealing with anxiety, we first should acknowledge its presence without letting it define us. The Bible encourages us not to be anxious about anything but to present our concerns to God through prayer. Much like a ship steadied by an anchor, prayer becomes our anchor amidst the storm of anxiety, providing a sense of stability and reassurance.
Moreover, seeking counsel and community support is crucial. Just as sailors rely on fellow crew members to weather the storm, connecting with others—be it friends, family, or a supportive community—can provide comfort and strength.
Focusing on faith-filled practices like reading Scripture or engaging in worship also helps us focus on the divine promises of peace and comfort. As the psalmist wrote, “Be still, and know that I am God” (Psalm 46:10, NKJV). This stillness doesn’t imply inaction but rather a trustful surrender to God’s sovereignty.
Remember, overcoming anxiety is not an instant voyage but a journey of faith and perseverance. It’s a gradual process of learning to lean on God’s strength and the support of those around us. Just as the ship eventually finds calm waters after the storm, our faith equips us to find peace amidst life’s trials.
Trusting in God’s unwavering love and provision helps us navigate the stormy seas of anxiety, guiding us to a place of tranquility and peace. What do you want to surrender into His hands today? Do it like this: take a piece of paper right now, write what you surrender to God, then fold and store it in a special place, maybe inside your Bible. Say a prayer, and let God continue to act in your life! Trust!

38. What Is the Gospel?

Have you ever received really good news? For example, a phone call in which you’ve learned you’ve been promoted, your wife is pregnant after you tried so hard, or someone in your family has been cured of an illness. Anyway, it’s great to hear good news, isn’t it?

I don’t know about you, but when I hear good news, I feel like sharing them. Because, after all, what’s the point of winning, conquering, and progressing if the people who are close to you won’t share your joy? It’s great to be able to tell good news.
That’s exactly what the Gospel is all about because, after all, that word means good news. And what is the good news of the Gospel?
You and I were born with a manufacturing defect. We are born with a tendency to do what is wrong. So much so that we don’t need to teach children to lie or be selfish—it seems like something they’ve known forever. The Bible calls this sin. And what will we receive as a reward for living a sinful life? Romans 6:23 says that the wages, that is, the reward for sinning, is to die. And that death is eternal death—no second chance!
In other words, we are all doomed to die! That’s bad news, isn’t it? But what the Gospel tells us that God Himself had a plan to solve this problem. He became flesh; that is, He became a human being and lived among us, yet He did not sin.
However, even without sin, He suffered our condemnation. When we accept Him through faith, the life He was entitled to passes to us as we accept what He has done in our place. In other words, you and I don’t have to die anymore. We can have life—eternal life.
This is why you need to believe in the Gospel. Is this good news or not? I challenge you to read the Bible more, understand the good news about how you are saved from sin, and soon share that truth with others.

39. What Is the Mark of the Beast?

Just like the entire book of Revelation, the matter of the mark of the beast is not to be feared but rather requires careful consideration. The title of the book of Revelation indicates its intention to reveal what was previously hidden from human comprehension.

The book is full of symbolic language because it was written during a time when openly criticizing the ruling powers was dangerous. Its author, the apostle John, used symbolism to communicate messages about the political and religious climate without directly naming specific figures or events. Symbolism allowed the text to carry powerful messages while offering a degree of protection for both the writer and the early Christian communities facing persecution.
The mark of the beast is mentioned in Chapter 13 of the book of Revelation. Because it is between chapters 12 and 14, we understand that the mark will appear in the context of worship.
God is very clear about the kind of worship appropriate for Him. We find His requirements in the first four commandments. We cannot have other gods, make idols, take the name of God in vain, or keep a different day than the one ordained by the Lord. True worship will be guided by these four commandments. The mark of the beast will be a counterfeit of true worship. In this context of false worship, the enemy will intend to lead people to disregard the first four commandments without realizing it.
The day when everyone will have to make a decision for or against God is near. So, I ask you: who will you love? Which mark do you want to receive? May you decide to worship only God.

40. What Is the Most Talked About Thing in the Bible?

Some say the phrase do not be afraid is written in the Bible 70 times, and have faith appears in 784 verses. The Second Coming of Christ is referenced in over 1,500 passages in the Old Testament and in one out of every 25 verses in the New Testament. However, many theologians and biblical scholars agree that the central theme of the Bible is the relationship between God and humanity—a relationship established on love.

God’s love for humanity is evident in every narrative, prophecy, and poem in the Bible; God created the world out of love, and He loves all of his creation. He made a covenant with the people of Israel, promising to be their God and to bless them if they would obey Him. This covenant was an expression of God’s love for all humanity.
The Bible tells us that God loves us even when we sin. He forgives our sins and continues to love us. And the greatest expression of God’s love was in sending of His Son, Jesus Christ, to die on the cross for our sins. This was a sacrifice of love that no one else could have made.
If you want to see God’s love in the Bible, I encourage you to read it and ask God to open your eyes to see His love for you personally.

41. Why Are There So Many Religions?

It’s undeniable that humans possess a sense of eternity within them. We often feel a connection to something greater than time and space, a sensation that creates a link between the Creator and the creature, as God is eternal. Throughout history, humans have grappled with existential questions about life, death, the universe, and the purpose behind it all.

Different religions have emerged in attempts to provide explanations and meaning for these fundamental inquiries. Some religions have arisen in response to social, political, or moral challenges within societies, offering guidance on ethical behavior, social order, and governance.
Answering why religions exist and why there are so many of them brings another question: Which is the true religion? Consider this: Where a copy or replica exists, there must be an original. You won’t encounter counterfeit three-dollar bills. Why? Because $3 bills don’t exist! The presence of numerous religions suggests the existence of an original one.
Jesus proclaimed Himself as “the way, the truth, and the life” and said that no one can come to the Father except through Him (John 14:6, NLT). Jesus is the truth!
Additionally, He emphasizes the Bible as the Word of God, highlighting the importance of not just listening but also putting His teachings into practice. Being merely a listener can lead to self-deception. What will lead us to heaven is not talking but walking with God. This is true religion.
Take a moment to examine your life. Are you truly connected to that religion today? A genuine religious practice not only involves listening to the Bible but also an active application of its teachings, like practicing charity and resisting corruption from the world.
I invite you not only attent the true church but also live out a genuine religious experience. Would you consider accepting this invitation today?

42. What Does the Bible Say About Homosexuality?

There are various opinions about what the Bible says about sexuality and homosexuality specifically. One thing that is clear is that sex was an invention of God reserved for a man and a woman who live for each other—and this is called marriage.

In the very first chapters of the Bible, we perceive that the pattern of a divine couple is heterosexual, monogamous, and lifelong, and there is no biblical passage that presents homosexuality as a good thing. Read all the passages from Genesis to Revelation, and you will come to your own conclusions.
The Bible also clearly teaches that Christians must love all people. Although we may disagree with the conduct of some people, we are not allowed to despise them. Unfortunately, many have not understood this.
If you’re attracted to people of your gender, good advice is to consider celibacy as an option. God can give you that gift! And never forget that He has already given you the most important thing; you have enough: Christ, love in person.
Maybe your father won’t accept you, or maybe society or your church won’t accept you or will mistreat you. Know that Jesus welcomes you, and He accepts you!
God is no respecter of persons. The Bible tells us that "...God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us" (Romans 5:8, NIV). He, better than anyone else, knows how to separate sin from sinners. He dreams of helping you forsake sin. Jesus is the one who says, “Father, forgive them,” and then tells you, “Go... sin no more” (Luke 23:34, John 8:11, NIV).
Why not commit yourself to Christ today, and He will help you face the sexual difficulties you are struggling with? Do you accept His help?

43. Is Pornography Sinful?

Pornography is to intimacy as fast food is for healthy food—an artificial and inferior version of the real thing. I don’t know if you have this habit, but it brings tremendous guilt to those who seek to develop their spiritual life.

Its impact is profound: eroding trust, distorting reality, and leading to isolation, depression, and dependency. Similarly to addictive substances, pornographic scenes hyper-stimulate and flood the brain with excessive dopamine. This damages our natural pleasure response, making it harder to find excitement with a real partner.
Understanding this should shape how we treat our bodies, especially if we aim to use them in honor of God. Sin is everything that distances us from Him. It is actions and attitudes rooted in the desire for self-gratification or selfishness.
True intimacy, as intended by God, is about mutual pleasure rather than solely seeking our own. Choosing purity doesn’t just benefit us but also our future partners. It’s a challenging journey, but remember, you’re not alone. The true Hero stands beside you, ready to help.
Consider seeking His guidance through prayer for strength. Flee from your lustful desires and pursue justice, faith, peace, and love. Show compassion to yourself and foster love for your future partner. This pursuit might not be easy, but it’s worthwhile. How about asking for His help right now in a prayer?

44. Why Do I Have to Follow So Many Rules?

Have you ever imagined what would happen to us if the Earth stopped moving? How about if the law of gravity stopped working? Can you imagine your hair floating or you flying? Of course, it wouldn’t be so much fun, and life on Earth would be a great mess without gravity.

The universe functions properly because of a tremendous number of rules. Why would this be different for human beings? The world needs rules to keep order, and it is the same with you and me.
There are some rules we can follow to maintain order in our inner world, and there are rules we should follow to maintain order in the outside world, especially when it affects other people.
If I want to know how to properly use my new blender, I should read its manual. It will tell me what I can and cannot do. I might try to blend some small rocks, but they will certainly damage it.
This is the way you can approach God’s law. Is it possible to live without it? Yes, but not without terrible consequences. In the end, following God’s rules is a matter of deciding whether to function properly or not. It’s a matter of accepting that boundaries are the only way to have order in our lives.

45. How Does God Reveal Himself to Humanity?

The first thing you need to know is that God wants to reveal Himself to humanity! Isn’t that amazing? And so, He reveals Himself in various ways. Want an example? Nature.

Nature is a living testimony to His divinity and a clear demonstration of His existence and power. Can you imagine that all this came about just by chance? The complexity of nature points us to a creative God who reveals Himself in every detail of His creation.
Another avenue of revelation is our conscience, which can distinguish between right and wrong, good and evil. Even after sin, this imprint was not completely erased.
Furthermore, in order to show us His moral attributes—his justice, holiness, and love—and to reveal His plan of salvation and re-creation of His image in humanity, God has revealed Himself in supernatural ways.
He has often sent guidance to people through His angels. Another form of revelation is miracles, which are a demonstration of divine power. That’s why there is a saying that goes: miracles are not to be explained, they are to be accepted!
God has also used prophets. Chosen by God, they have proclaimed His messages to people and have written them down. That’s how we have the Bible.
In the letter to the Hebrews, we read, “In the past God spoke to our ancestors through the prophets at many times and in various ways, but in these last days he has spoken to us by his Son...” (Hebrews 1:1,2, NIV). Jesus came to reveal to us who God is. In fact, that was one of His main missions in this world. He himself said: “...No one knows the Son except the Father, and no one knows the Father except the Son and those to whom the Son chooses to reveal him” (Matthew 11:27, NIV).
Jesus not only revealed God and His will but was also our Savior. God’s revelation is not restricted to merely transmitting information, such as the news in a newspaper or a lecture on any subject. It is about a relationship with God and His initiative to save us from evil.
Therefore, every revelation demands a response of faith and obedience on the part of the recipient. That is why I invite you to believe in Jesus and accept Him as a personal Savior, accept God’s revelations through faith, and obey Him.

46. What Was the Purpose of the Sanctuary?

God has always wanted to be close to us and dwell among us. From the beginning to the end of the world, He desires to be near us. That’s why He asked the people of Israel to build a place for Him to dwell. This place, the tabernacle, or the sanctuary, holds the greatest symbolism found in the Bible.

When we talk about symbolism, we see various symbols on the streets, billboards, churches, and so on every day. Symbols are images or letters that have a meaning behind them. It’s not enough to just look at them quickly; we need to understand what they are trying to convey to us. Symbols are powerful tools that simplify communication, encapsulate complex ideas, and hold significant meaning within various contexts, thus shaping our understanding and perception of the world around us. That’s why God has also used symbols in his communication with humans.
Everything in the Israelite sanctuary was a symbol pointing to what would happen in the future. Many of these symbols were fulfilled in the life and death of Jesus. In fact, every single item and ceremony of the sanctuary pointed to Jesus Christ and His plan to save us. God created this symbol so that when Jesus came to our Earth, everyone may know that He truly is the Messiah, the Savior of the world.
God still wants to live in you—He wants to live in your heart as His Presence lived in the sanctuary. He wants you to surrender to Him, and He is eager for this moment! Now that you understand this symbolism, I ask you: do you accept Him?

47. How Can I Apply the Bible to My Life?

Glad that you asked that! It’s always good to remember that the Bible is not meant to be a dusty book on a shelf; it is a living guide meant to be applied in our daily lives. And to do that, we must treat Bible knowledge as any other new knowledge we want to acquire.

More than simply reading it, I need to study its themes and sometimes memorize its texts. I also need to spend some time pondering how to put my new theoretical knowledge into practice in my life.
If you want to be serious about what the Bible teaches and incorporate it into your life, you must read it. But more than reading, most of the time, you will need to meditate on what you read because the Bible can be profound and present challenges you wouldn’t expect.
You will always want to do this in the spirit of prayer. Why? Because some Bible teachings are demanding and go against our natural desires and inclinations. Yet, the same God that hears your prayers is the God that gives you the power to live just as He commanded in his Word.
Finally, a good way to deepen your understanding and better apply what you learn is by sharing it. Sharing what you’ve learned with others can also benefit them and create opportunities for discussion—you will have the chance to share your faith.
Have you already shared something new and exciting with your friends? When we share knowledge with others, it becomes more firmly embedded in our own memory. By sharing what we learn from the Bible, we not only reinforce our understanding but undoubtedly also assist others in comprehending His message! This is the best way to apply the teachings of the Bible in our lives! Why don’t you share today with someone the blessings you have found in the Bible?

48. What Is the Hardest Sin to Overcome?

For you or me? Each one of us is different—we have different strengths and weaknesses. Some things that are easy for you to do might not be easy for me. Some things that are hard for you to avoid won’t necessarily be hard for me. There may be some struggles that are common for many people, but overcoming sin is a personal challenge.

And it should be treated this way. I should know what I’m good at and focus on that. It is not a good idea to spend too much time dwelling on things that I am not good at, but knowing my weak points can help me either develop them or avoid them. There are places and situations that I should simply avoid. Wisdom will help me stay away from temptation and avoid being caught off guard.
But more generally, the hardest sin to overcome is the feeling that we don’t have any sins to eliminate. By nature, we like sin and do not like to fight to overcome it. The most natural inclination we all have is to be self-sufficient, believing that what we have and know is enough. Thus, we forget how disastrous is sin and all its consequences.
Whether your personal struggle is against a specific sin or a more general or “classic” one, remember there is no sin so great that it cannot be forgiven and overcome.
Today, God offers you forgiveness and power. He loves you, forgives you, accepts you in His presence; He wants to transform you, keep you away from sin, and give you a new life in Him. Give your weaknesses and sins to God today—He will forgive you, renew you, and restore the beautiful relationship He wants to have with you forever.

49. Where Did I Come From and Where Am I Going?

Genesis means in the beginning. It’s the first book of the Bible, addressing the beginning of life on Earth. Some are tempted to “jump into the story” with the Bible. They are tempted to skip to the New Testament. However, to understand where we come from, we need to study this Genesis. It’s like a movie; there’s no use picking it up in the middle. We must start from the beginning.

The opening chapter of the Bible states that God created the first humans with His hands—He created us to bring forth life. Part of the purpose of humanity is to grow and multiply. No living being exists solely for itself—no man is an island.
If you exist only for yourself, you’re outside the divine plan. There’s no complete existence alone. We need to understand that we were created to bring life to others! Just as God generated life by creating us and all of nature to operate in a perfect cycle, we, too, were created to generate life and maintain harmony in the ecosystems. Life begets life!
The Bible also reveals where we are headed. God’s plan was for humanity to be close to Him and for us to live forever, however, we sinned and thus, we distanced ourselves from God. The Earth became corrupted. Hence, God needs to purify it and create a new one.
God’s dream is for all of us to be with Him and to be saved! Then, the Earth will be recreated, and we will have the life that God always desired for us: a life without death, without sorrow, anxiety, stress, depression, cancer, pain, fears, or anguish.
Know that Heaven (and subsequently the New Earth) won’t be the same without you, just as it won’t be the same without your family. That’s where we’re headed, and to be there, you need to accept what Jesus did for you! Do you want to strive toward spending eternity with Him?

50. What Are Some of the Biggest Questions Asked in Christianity?

Among the greatest questions asked in Christianity are the following:

  • Who is God?
  • Who is Jesus Christ?
  • How can I be saved?
  • What is the nature of heaven and hell?
  • What is God’s true church according to the Bible, and what are its purpose and mission?

How will the world end?

To find answers to these and more questions, visit our course library and explore a wide range of interactive courses where we aim to address common inquiries about the Bible and Christianity. Also, if you have questions about the answers that you haven’t found on our website, you can always contact our support team at student.support@hope.study. Why not register today?

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