This course is for you:
We seek to provide kind and honest Bible experts from your city. That way, the mentor can understand the problems you are facing as they relate to your region. And what a great opportunity to possibly meet in person sometime in the future and say "hey! How are you?"
Pray for us first! We face many obstacles but we know that God will provide a way to encourage people around the world.
You never know what you might learn. Start with one lesson and try to compare it to your experience of understanding the Bible and/or the world as you see it.
We also encourage you to pray and ask for God to help you discern truth from error.Yes, we are preparing an entire library of courses. At the moment, we have courses on prayer, health and other relevant themes for the average person today. If you are interested, you can ask your mentor, and they will seek to connect you with courses that match the questions you're asking and areas of interest you may have.
Of course - yes! How awesome would it be for someone to come to learn more about God and His truth through your personal recommendation!
Go from city to city like Jesus' disciples! And tell about the Truth of the Word of God wherever there is an opportunity.
We just love people. We have spent years immersing ourselves in the Scriptures and cannot just be silent ... 🤐 These words offer life and freedom!
Great question. The reality is, nothing is free in our world. At present, the courses and advertising are paid for by volunteers. They, too, believe it is important to share this information. In the future, we allow for others such as yourself the possibility of donations and you, too, can support this ministry!