Prayer is a direct line of communication with God. It enables you to share your heart to Him and listen to His guidance (Jeremiah 29:12).
It is a medium by which you can seek His wisdom in making decisions and dealing with your challenges (James 1:5).
It is also an expression of your faith, trusting that He hears your words and knows your deepest desires (Matthew 21:22).
In the Old Testament, prayer was a structured and ritualistic communication with God. As such, it often involved offerings and sacrifices (Daniel DeWitt Lowery, 2014, Lexham Theological Wordbook, “Prayer”).
In the New Testament, it was a more personal and direct communion with Him. It served as a means of deepening people’s relationship with Him and aligning their lives with His will (Walter Elwell and Barry Beitzel, 1988, Baker Encyclopedia of the Bible, “Prayer”).